- Dora Frankel, April 2020, for Dance Art Journal.

Dora’s choreographic works span 50 years ; her creative process is layered, well researched and deeply intuitive. Her works are relevant, socially radical and accessible, often using live music. Search the timeline below to explore the many works made here and in Scandinavia.

Timeline of Works

 Independent Works

Figures in a Floating Landscape

Music: P. Coyte

Musicians: P. Coyte, Martin Elliott, Helen Rathbone

Actor: Isabelle DeFaut

Costume: Kate Blakely

Lighting: Kirk Sim

Dancers: Luca Braccia, Becky Horne, Livia Massarelli, Zara Sands

Gulbenkian Theatre, Canterbury

 1st November 2019

Touch The Beast screendance

Film: Andy Wood

2nd camera: Kevin Wong

Music: Roma Yagnik

Costume: Kate Blakely

Lighting: Kirk Sim

Dancers: Dora Frankel, Giacomo Pini, Livia Massarelli

Jacksons Lane, London

 7th March 2019


Music: David Lancaster

Singer: Emily Rowan

Dancer: Dora Frankel

St Peter’s School, York

February 2019


Dancers: Katherine Whale, Alyssa Lisle, Giulia Coti Zelati

International Women’s Day, Shieldfields Art Centre, Newcastle

8th March 2018

Figures in a Floating landscape: Turner in the South

Collaboration with composer Peter Coyte

Dancers: Dora Frankel, Katherine Whale, Josh Hutchby

Horsebridge Arts Centre, Whitstable

February 2018


2014 -2018

Dora Frankel Dance CIC 2007 -2014


Door Dance Wave

Dancers: Alys North, Emma Palmer

Community Project Helix Arts, Walker Park

September 2016

For Dancing the Road touring triple bill.

Elephant Dances.

Music: Ludvig van Beethoven, Ake Parmerud, Stravinsky, Klezmer

Costume: Kate Blakely

Dancers: Emma Palmer, Abby Ross, Emma Robinson, Niall Tyzack-Carlin


Fertile Ground

For Spring Tour: NOW and On the Darkened Wing.

Music: Peter Coyte, Kroke, Bach

Costume: Kate Blakely, CCAD final year students

Dancers: Alicia Meehan, Kayleigh Fisk, Alys North, Holly Bellamy


By the Pricking of my Thumbs

Dir. Peter Lathan

KG Productions and Customs House, South Shields

August 2013

The Unfolding Sky: Turner in the North

Music: Peter Coyte

Costume: Kate Blakely

Dancers: Luca Rapis, Audrey Rogero, Sonia Zini

Bamburgh Castle (part of Festival of the North East)

June 2013


(Choreographer Jarek Cemerek) Creative Producer

January 2013

Letters from Yelena:

book launch ‘Letters from Yelena’ author Guy Mankowski

Dance City, Newcastle

October 2012

The Jacket and Friends Forever:

Dancers: Sammy Haighton, Ben King, Holy Irving, Natasha Kowalski

Big Dance and Mouth of the Tyne Festival (through Big Dance) throughout

July 2012

Adrenalin Rush

Youth project N. Tyneside

April 2012

One Small Step/One More Step:

Music: Peter Coyte

Installation: Sam Goodlet

Costume: Kate Blakely

Dancers: Holly Irving, Natasha Kowalski

Apollo Pavilion Peterlee

July 2011


Music: Ake Parmerud

Dancers: Dora Frankel, Holly Irving

Dance City, Studio 1

 March 2011

The Wind in the Willows:

Dir. Erica Whyman. Northern Stage

 November 2010

Dance Bites, 10 schools, ten sports!

Opening Ceremony UK School Games Sage Gateshead. Commissioned by Gateshead Arts

September 2010

Bitter, Sweet and Dark

Triple bill Trio, Sweet Swathes of Time, Angel of the Odd

Music: Bach’s Aria from Goldberg Variations, P. Callow,

Sound edit: P. Callow

Set: Fi Russell

Costume: Kate Blakely

Dancers: Paul Chantry, Oliver Wood, Holly Irving, Natasha Kowalski, Dora Frankel

Musicians: Penny Callow, Simon Wood

Gateshead Town Hall and regional tour

 April - May 2010

April 2011

The Tempest:

Dir. Peter Lathan Movement Direction, choreography

KG Productions and Customs House, South Shields

August 2009

The Poe Project:

residency Gateshead College

June 2009

Different Spaces/Different Sounds:

Music: Bach, Penny Callow Arranged by P. Callow

Costume: Kate Blakely

Performers: Penny Callow, Asgeir Magnusson, Dora Frankel

Saltwell Park Gallery, Saltwell Park, Gateshead and Regional tour

May 2008

 Independent works UK

Tales and Postcard (from another country):

Music: Postcard (from another country) Arctus Canticus E. Rautavaara

Tales: music collage

Music Edit: Adam Riley

Set: Jon Codd

Costume: Sarah Riley

Dancers: Paul Chantry, Rejane Gracia, Rosa Stourac McCreery

Caedmon Hall, Gateshead

February 2007

Tyne and Motion Trilogy

Music: Adrian Evans, Thomas Sjostrand, Corelli

Costume: Dora and Emma Frankel

Projections: Pamela Parrish and Dora Frankel

Dancers: Paul Chantry, Rejane Gracia, Helen Williams

Caedmon Hall, Gateshead

October 2005

The Shadow Between:

Music: Adrian Evans

Dancer: Helen Williams

Durant Hall, Newcastle

 October 2004

Tyne Span:

Music: Adrian Evans & x

Dancers: Jason Jones, Emma Dunn, Claire Prinn

Gulbenkian Studio Theatre Newcastle

 Spring 2004

The Connecting Web

Music arrangement: Thomas Sjostrand

Dancers: Sarah Elisabeth Baker, Sally- Anne Donaldson, Tamara Mclorg, Pia Nordin

Programme: Maud Karlsson

London Buddhist Arts Centre

 4th May 2003


Music: Thomas Sjostrand, A. Corelli

Music edit: Anton Sjostrand

Dancers: Yael Loewenstein, Nick Watson The Robin Howard Dance Theatre, part of Resolution!

The Place, London

January 2003

  • Continental Cabaret. Pustervik’s Theatre, Jarntorget

  • Ett + Ett =Tre (One + One = Three) Site specific Outdoor performance with live band Angereds Gymnasium, Gothenburg 1994

  • Hemliga Tradgarden (The Secret Garden), Café de Sombra 1995, Livet och Doden (Life and Death) 1996 Angereds Gymnasium, Bla Stallet

  • Du – ett, Circle and Invitation to the Dance, Objects of Desire Leap Out! 1999

  • Quattro Stagioni 1997, Three x Three + Four 1998, Behind the Mirror 1998, Resan (The Journey) 1999, Running Figures/Eclipse 2000 Angereds Gymnasium, Bla stallet

  • Icebreak, collaboration with among others Hulebecks Gymnasiet, Scandinavium March 2001

  • Centre Point and Millennium project, site specific May 2001

  • ‘O’ Tir Na Nog May 2001


  • Spring Concerto and After Rain Comes Sunshine – Gothenburg Opera Ballet School

  • Resan (The Journey) – solo touring

  • Landet runt Hornet (The Land around the Corner) - Dir: M. Hellerstedt-Thorin, Lund Cathedral, Lund

  • Tid och Rum (Time and Space) – Site specific collaboration with visual artist Annika Gustafsson, Culture House Bagaregarden

  • Sagan om ett trad (Story of a Tree) Movement Direction Atelierteatern


  • Nalle Puh (Winnie the Pooh - Dir: J. Sjoberg

  • 1892 (rockmusical version of Spring Awakening by Wederkind) – Dir: J. Sjoberg

  • Peppar, peppar (also co-direction), touring out-door Commedia dell’arte

  • Mio my Mio, A. Lindgren Dir: Simeon Rabinovitz (dance theatre)

  • Ett Dromspel (A Dream Play), A. Strindberg Dir: L. Engstrom

  • Trettondags Afton (Twelfth Night), W. Shakespeare. Dir: A. Harmon

  • Les Liaisons Dangereuses Dir: A. Harmon

  • Cyrano de Bergerac

  • Harlekins Dag (Harlequin’s Day) - solo touring


Flute-playing of reapers, At Once, Nightwalking, Banana Dance

Dancers: Fatima Cerquiera, Johannes Botros, Dora Frankel

Dance Out! Garderobs Theatre Malmo 1984


Dance Out!

1 st independent project

Music: Flautist Simon Desorgher

Performers: Dora Frankel, Debbie Thomas, Simon Desorgher

Greenwich Festival 1982

Malmo Theatre restaging 1983


  • Bench Dancers Anonymous Edinburgh Festival 1979

  • Inspired Imbalance Dancers Anonymous Edinburgh Festival 1981

  • Train Suite Nin Dance Company, Jacksons Lane Theatre London 1982


Images for Two

Music: Gamelan

Design: Nicola Gregory Dancers:

Sally Owen and Mark Wraith Ballet Rambert Workshop, Jeanetta Cochrane Theatre, London