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  • The Capstone Theatre (map)

Trails is an evening of extracts from the trilogy inspired by the work of landscape painter JMW Turner (1775 -1851) and created by Dora Frankel and composer Peter Coyte, with costumes by Kate Collins.
The trilogy comprises The Unfolding Sky: Turner in the North 2013, Figures in a Floating Landscape 2019 and Tread Lightly on the Planet (to be completed 2022).

Together these works form a journey in time and space from 18th century Northumberland rural idylls and early industry to the present day climate emergency and our response. Dance and electronic music, mixed live on stage are fused in these works performed by dancers Luca Braccia, Livia Massarelli and Zara Sands. Dora curates the evening giving context to the works and sharing some thoughts about the process.

“Fantastic choreography and wow, could those dancers dance!” - Audience member Gulbenkian Theatre Kent 2019

The Unfolding Sky: Turner in the North was created in 2013 as part of the first Festival of the North East, touring to much loved heritage sites such as Bamburgh Castle and Tynemouth Priory. Figures in a Floating Landscape, began in 2018, was completed and toured 2019-20. Dora and Peter came together again to begin Tread Lightly on the Planet in December 2020.

Running time c. 80 minutes with interval

Book here

January 29
